"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5a

Monday, 16 November 2015

The Next Chapter Begins!

The day was July 14th, 2015. David was at work and David Michael and I were at home about to make our "cow costumes" for Chick-fil-a's cow appreciation day (hooray for free cfa!). I already had a box of pregnancy tests upstairs and I felt like I really needed to take one. I was only a day or two late with my period but it's always come like clockwork for me (sorry if that's a little tmi haha). Also, my blood sugar levels had been a little out of whack the past few days, especially my morning fasting levels which hardly ever happens when my levels are good before bed (I had been extra good about checking once I noticed the higher numbers in the morning).* I thought about waiting until David got home to take the test so he could be there too like he was the first time but I just couldn't wait. So I took the test and before I could even turn it over (I didn't want to be tempted to stare at it) to let it set for the two or three minutes it takes to get an accurate result, I swear I could already see the second line come into view. I tried not to get my hopes up though, but those feelings are hard to shake. When my timer went off, I rushed to look, and there they were-- both pink lines as clear as can be. (With DM, we took two tests and both times the second line was super faint.) All I could think about then was how I was going to tell David! But I rushed downstairs and scooped up DM and told him, "You're going to be a big brother!"
So while we were coloring our cow spots to go to CFA, DM wanted to color his own picture. That's when I got the idea for this to be how David found out. So I had him color both sides of the paper and then on the side with the least coloring, I held his hand and wrote his special message for Daddy. We hung it on the fridge (word side down) for Daddy to see when he got home. When David got home, I told him to look at the picture on the fridge that DM drew but that he colored on both sides so it was important to flip it over. This message was waiting for him on the other side:

Needless to say, David was surprised and super happy! You can watch my video of him below. :)

Now at this point, I was only 4 weeks along. We wanted to tell our families all together and catch it on camera so we knew we would have to wait awhile to tell anyone. It was super hard to keep the secret, let me tell you! We only had to wait about 2 weeks though until we convinced David's parents to come up and visit for a few days and during that time we all went to see my family to celebrate my brother Bryson's birthday. We set up my phone on the selfie stick but in regular mode as opposed to "selfie mode" (aka screen facing away from us all instead of toward us) so as to "get a better quality picture." I muted my phone and after making sure everyone was in the shot while David held the selfie stick, I started the video and we began "taking pictures"until David announced that I was pregnant. You can watch everyone's [delayed] reactions in the video below!

After that, we all kept quiet for a few more weeks until after my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and a mini-photoshoot to announce our pregnancy with our close friend and "personal family photographer", Davey Morgan (www.daveymorgan.com). He and his wife, Marissa, have captured all our special life moments for us and we are forever grateful. 


It felt so good to finally let everyone know! I really hate keeping secrets :)

*[During my first pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes which seemingly went away after I gave birth but fast forward a year later and after a trip to the ER (on my own accord and not too serious), a few doctor visits, and a bunch of blood work, I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. My dr and endocrinologist and I believe I had Type 1 before I was pregnant with DM and just didn't know it. So in reality, David Michael probably saved my life. Thank you, little man. :) So now by July, I had gotten my diabetes under good control.]