The time to meet our little one is sooo near! In fact, it could really be any time now. Which is nuts. I wouldn't mind him coming a little early but I'd like to stay pregnant for a few more weeks at least. Whatever time LilBit decides to make his grand arrival, we will be ready! We have his bassinet set up and his whole side of the room all decorated (pictures to come soon!).
I've started my weekly doctor and ultrasound visits. So far, so good! LilBit's measurements were even better at the last ultrasound, going from being in the 90th percentile to the 67th percentile! He weighed in a few ounces under 5lbs which is right where they wanted him to be. The insulin is working amazingly well for me and for him-- praise God! He passed his first heart monitor test too.
Also, we had our maternity photo shoot today with Davey Morgan Photography! We went up to Bonclarken for the shoot since that place means so much to David and I-- plus it's a beautiful setting for pictures. We had so much fun and I cannot WAIT to see the great shots that Davey got! Such a great friend and photographer!
Feeling: Getting more and more tired by the day it seems but I still love being pregnant. I love feeling LilBit's kicks and wiggles-- except when he kicks me in the ribs, which he has been doing quite often as of late.
Cravings: Ice cream. I wish I could just eat ice cream all day, every day.
Food aversions: None.
Weight gain: I've reached the 25lb mark now so I will probably stay under 30lbs for my total and I'm hoping to lose the baby weight quickly too since it's all my belly.
LilBit: He is now the size of a honeydew melon! He is around 18 inches long and weighs over 5lbs! His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver can process waste. His physical development is mostly complete, he really just needs to put on a little more weight. He is practicing his breathing too-- I got to see his little lungs going to work on my ultrasound this past Friday! He doesn't have room to do somersaults anymore like he used to but that doesn't keep him from still being a little wiggle worm. He loves to punch and kick and stretch out. He is also head down so we are hoping he stays that way in case he decides to come early.
Baby Purchases: We've been so blessed with all the baby showers and gifts that we have received so far. They have definitely kept his upcoming arrival exciting instead of worrisome as we are almost fully prepared now for him to come home. We have received many adorable clothes, books, rattles, diapers and wipes, and so much more. We also now have our bassinet, stroller, and carseat (all our big necessities) which make it all seem that much more real!
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5a
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 31
Only 8 weeks to go!! I can't believe it's finally single digits! At my ultrasound a week and a half ago, LilBit was doing very well. His measurements are still in the normal range, thankfully, but he already weighs 3 pounds! I'm still hoping he'll be under 8 pounds but we shall see. The higher dosage of the pills didn't work so I've been on insulin for 3 weeks now and it's helping a lot. It's so nice to not have to be anxious or worried about my blood sugar when I know I'm eating right. They raised my insulin for dinner time once and then one I take before bed twice. Hopefully it will be fine now, right now the numbers are just barely over what they want them to be (100 instead of 95 or below). Thankfully the insulin needles don't hurt-- when I can find a spot that is. I have to stick myself in the thigh or my lower stomach but it's hard to find a place that I can actually pinch and then sometimes I have to prick myself a few times before I find a place that doesn't hurt. Other than that, no problems. Pregnancy has gotten me over my two fears: throwing up and needles. I still have to look the other way when they take blood though haha.
We also just moved to a new apartment. It's not very fun to move when you're pregnant but thankfully we have some wonderful friends and family that helped us out so that I didn't have to do much at all. Now we just have some more unpacking to do but it will keep me busy.
Feeling: Overall, feeling great. Been tired again more lately and obviously some back pain at the end of the day but nothing unbearable.
Cravings: Now I crave things I can't have like chocolate and milkshakes but fortunately they aren't strong cravings
Food aversions: None.
Weight gain: I've just finally gotten to the 20lb mark. Even though LilBit keeps growing and so does my belly, I'm not gaining much weight at all thanks to my diet and insulin.
LilBit: Our little man is now about the size of a coconut! He is around 16 inches long and weighs over 3lbs! He can now turn his head from side to side and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up as the fat starts to accumulate under his skin. I just hope he doesn't get too chubby hehe. He wiggles and moves like crazy, making my belly move in weird ways a lot. I don't mind it though :). Fortunately, he's not keeping me up at night with his kicking yet!
Baby Purchases: Well we aren't purchasing things very much since we have baby showers coming up now. I had my first shower yesterday and got some lovely things. I'm excited for the other showers to come and to actually put all of the gifts to use soon!
We also just moved to a new apartment. It's not very fun to move when you're pregnant but thankfully we have some wonderful friends and family that helped us out so that I didn't have to do much at all. Now we just have some more unpacking to do but it will keep me busy.
Feeling: Overall, feeling great. Been tired again more lately and obviously some back pain at the end of the day but nothing unbearable.
Cravings: Now I crave things I can't have like chocolate and milkshakes but fortunately they aren't strong cravings
Food aversions: None.
Weight gain: I've just finally gotten to the 20lb mark. Even though LilBit keeps growing and so does my belly, I'm not gaining much weight at all thanks to my diet and insulin.
LilBit: Our little man is now about the size of a coconut! He is around 16 inches long and weighs over 3lbs! He can now turn his head from side to side and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up as the fat starts to accumulate under his skin. I just hope he doesn't get too chubby hehe. He wiggles and moves like crazy, making my belly move in weird ways a lot. I don't mind it though :). Fortunately, he's not keeping me up at night with his kicking yet!
Baby Purchases: Well we aren't purchasing things very much since we have baby showers coming up now. I had my first shower yesterday and got some lovely things. I'm excited for the other showers to come and to actually put all of the gifts to use soon!
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 26
(almost 27)
OFFICIAL PICTURE COMING SOON but for now, here's some recent pictures of me over the past few weeks :)
(Reveal Party) June 19th: 19-20 weeks
July 29th: 25 weeks
So it's been 6 weeks since my last update, which is crazy, I know! And a lot has happened since then. LilBit is still growing and just as much of a wiggle worm as ever! Over the past month, I've been to the doctor every week. My blood pressure and blood sugar were both high a few times so we had to do testing for both. David and I bought a cool device that checks my blood pressure and keeps track of all the results for me on my iPhone which was great. Turns out my bp is always normal but it gets high when I go to the doctor occasionally. I think I just get anxious. Either way, because we have been keeping track of it ourselves and I showed the dr my results, they aren't concerned about that anymore. Hooray!
Now, my blood sugar. So I failed the fasting blood test twice so I never had to drink the nasty orange stuff everyone tells me about. However, they automatically diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. Because I had abnormalities with my insulin before pregnancy (in my case, hypoglycemia), I was more prone to end up with diabetes during pregnancy. They had me simply try to control it by diet for a week while checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and even though I stuck to the diet really well, it didn't keep my blood sugar levels down. So then they had me take pills while still following the diet for another week. This time, my blood sugar levels after breakfast and lunch were good for the most part but they were still high after dinner and when I woke up in the morning. So now they've double my dosage for this week. We are praying that this will control my blood sugar levels before I go back to the doctor on Tuesday so that I will not have to give myself insulin shots.
Because I have gestational diabetes, they want to make sure I do not go the full 40 weeks of pregnancy to prevent LilBit from being too big as well as to avoid possible other complications. So that means that if I haven't gone into labor by November 6th, they will induce. I'm hoping he will come a day or two before so we don't have to worry about that but at least I know I will meet my little man no later than the 6th!
Feeling: Overall, I've been feeling quite well. My back hurts every once in awhile but not too bad. My feet hurt, especially after work, but no swelling.
Cravings: Fortunately I still crave peanut butter because the doctors want me to eat lots of it. No really strong cravings though, which I'm thankful for-- especially if they were to be for something I couldn't have.
Food aversions: None. But I have to stay away from a lot of foods now, especially pastas and rice.
Weight gain: I haven't gained any weight these past few weeks thanks to my diet but overall I've gained a total of 18 lbs. And it is ALL in my stomach.
OFFICIAL PICTURE COMING SOON but for now, here's some recent pictures of me over the past few weeks :)
Our Reveal Party: June 19th

So it's been 6 weeks since my last update, which is crazy, I know! And a lot has happened since then. LilBit is still growing and just as much of a wiggle worm as ever! Over the past month, I've been to the doctor every week. My blood pressure and blood sugar were both high a few times so we had to do testing for both. David and I bought a cool device that checks my blood pressure and keeps track of all the results for me on my iPhone which was great. Turns out my bp is always normal but it gets high when I go to the doctor occasionally. I think I just get anxious. Either way, because we have been keeping track of it ourselves and I showed the dr my results, they aren't concerned about that anymore. Hooray!
Now, my blood sugar. So I failed the fasting blood test twice so I never had to drink the nasty orange stuff everyone tells me about. However, they automatically diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. Because I had abnormalities with my insulin before pregnancy (in my case, hypoglycemia), I was more prone to end up with diabetes during pregnancy. They had me simply try to control it by diet for a week while checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and even though I stuck to the diet really well, it didn't keep my blood sugar levels down. So then they had me take pills while still following the diet for another week. This time, my blood sugar levels after breakfast and lunch were good for the most part but they were still high after dinner and when I woke up in the morning. So now they've double my dosage for this week. We are praying that this will control my blood sugar levels before I go back to the doctor on Tuesday so that I will not have to give myself insulin shots.
Because I have gestational diabetes, they want to make sure I do not go the full 40 weeks of pregnancy to prevent LilBit from being too big as well as to avoid possible other complications. So that means that if I haven't gone into labor by November 6th, they will induce. I'm hoping he will come a day or two before so we don't have to worry about that but at least I know I will meet my little man no later than the 6th!
Feeling: Overall, I've been feeling quite well. My back hurts every once in awhile but not too bad. My feet hurt, especially after work, but no swelling.
Cravings: Fortunately I still crave peanut butter because the doctors want me to eat lots of it. No really strong cravings though, which I'm thankful for-- especially if they were to be for something I couldn't have.
Food aversions: None. But I have to stay away from a lot of foods now, especially pastas and rice.
Weight gain: I haven't gained any weight these past few weeks thanks to my diet but overall I've gained a total of 18 lbs. And it is ALL in my stomach.
LilBit: LilBit is now the size of a scallion! He is around 14 inches long and around 1 2/3 pounds. The nerves in his ears are better developed and more sensitive now so he can most likely hear both mine and David's voices as we talk to each other. He's continuing to put on baby fat too. Also, he has started to kick strongly now. I can look down and actually see my stomach move when he kicks! I love it! He kicks a lot too, such a wiggle worm. He's going to be a hyper little boy haha. David can feel him kick really well now too, and he kicks more when David's hand is on my stomach. David can even hear LilBit moving around too when he puts his ear up to my stomach! I got to hear him move around through a stethoscope too!
Baby purchases:
Baby purchases:
We bought a few little items of clothing here and there but we're holding back and buying a lot before our showers and before we move. We've got to let other people buy him stuff too haha plus the less we have to pack, move, and unpack the better.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 20
Well, almost 21 now... :)
We are so excited to finally know that LilBit is a BOY!!! We were so sure we were going to have a girl, so it was such a surprise and we couldn't be happier! We cannot wait to meet our little man! And while we were at the doctor, we found out that we will most likely meet him a week earlier than we planned! They moved our due date from November 13th to the 8th! We also got to finally see how big he is getting. He is moving around like crazy! He was constantly wiggling which is why his heartbeat has been so high-- tricky tricky little one! It was so fun to get to see his little hands, feet, arms, spine, developing brain, and even his heart beating! It just still all seems so unreal sometimes.
We had fun sharing our excitement with family and friends at a gender reveal party. We played games, had everyone wear bows or bow ties to indicate their guesses, ate some good food-- and candy, and finally opened our little bear to discover it was wearing a blue shirt!
Feeling: I have been feeling wonderful. I'm really enjoying having all my energy back. I've also been feeling LilBit move around now too and when I feel him, if I press slightly on my stomach I can feel him kick and punch against my hand! David even got to feel him too!
Cravings: Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Also, I still want bean burritos. All the time. And peanut butter.
Food aversions: asian food
Weight gain: since last update- about 2lb
We are so excited to finally know that LilBit is a BOY!!! We were so sure we were going to have a girl, so it was such a surprise and we couldn't be happier! We cannot wait to meet our little man! And while we were at the doctor, we found out that we will most likely meet him a week earlier than we planned! They moved our due date from November 13th to the 8th! We also got to finally see how big he is getting. He is moving around like crazy! He was constantly wiggling which is why his heartbeat has been so high-- tricky tricky little one! It was so fun to get to see his little hands, feet, arms, spine, developing brain, and even his heart beating! It just still all seems so unreal sometimes.
We had fun sharing our excitement with family and friends at a gender reveal party. We played games, had everyone wear bows or bow ties to indicate their guesses, ate some good food-- and candy, and finally opened our little bear to discover it was wearing a blue shirt!
Feeling: I have been feeling wonderful. I'm really enjoying having all my energy back. I've also been feeling LilBit move around now too and when I feel him, if I press slightly on my stomach I can feel him kick and punch against my hand! David even got to feel him too!
Cravings: Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Also, I still want bean burritos. All the time. And peanut butter.
Food aversions: asian food
Weight gain: since last update- about 2lb
LilBit: LilBit is now the size of a banana! Instead of measurements being from crown to rump, he is now measured from head to toe. He is around 10 inches long. And at the doctor, they said he weighs 11 ounces! LilBit is swallowing more these days-- good practice for the digestive system.
Baby purchases:
Baby purchases:
We have gotten a lot of stuff recently. We have gotten LilBit a lot of new clothes too since we can finally buy things that aren't gender neutral! Below are just a few pics of things we bought/were given. David and I also had fun registering at Buy Buy Baby yesterday for tons of baby stuff! We had so much fun picking everything out and we are going to do it again today at Babies R Us!
Friday, 31 May 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 16
Week 16: New trimester since last update!
I know it's been awhile and I missed my week 14 update but I've been crazy busy. A lot has changed since then!
We got the hear LilBit's heartbeat the other day too! Fast and strong! And soon we will find out if LilBit is a boy or a girl!
Feeling: Feeling great! I've gotten my energy back though I didn't realize it til recently because I've been so busy but now things are starting to settle down.
I know it's been awhile and I missed my week 14 update but I've been crazy busy. A lot has changed since then!
We got the hear LilBit's heartbeat the other day too! Fast and strong! And soon we will find out if LilBit is a boy or a girl!
Feeling: Feeling great! I've gotten my energy back though I didn't realize it til recently because I've been so busy but now things are starting to settle down.
not much of anything lately, at least not as strong.
Food aversions:
(only slightly) pizza
Weight gain:
since last update- 4lb; 10lbs total
LilBit: The baby is the size of a an avocado LilBit is approximately 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces. LilBit is continuing to grow and develop, everything moving in the right places. His/her head is more erect and the patterning of the scalp has begun. LilBit even has toenails now! Also, LilBit's heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day.
Baby purchases:
Baby purchases:
We haven't been purchasing much lately since we still don't know if LilBit is a boy or girl. However, I find myself looking at baby stuff a whole lot. I've found all the stuff I want for the nursery (decorations that is)! However, that hasn't stopped other people! My parents found a wooden cradle that we will refurnish at a yard sale. My friend Lauren and her husband got us a Winnie the Pooh pack n' play! Also, David's parents bought us a cute frame for LilBit's room too!
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 12
Week 12
Feeling: I've been pretty much the same, just tired a lot. That's it though, yay!
chocolate, fruit
chocolate, fruit
salad dressings, mainly creamy ones
Weight gain:
since last update- 1lb; 6lbs total
LilBit: The baby is the size of a lime! The biggest development this week is reflexes! LilBit's mouth can now make sucking movements, he/she can curl toes and clench eye muscles. If I prod my stomach, LilBit will even squirm in response, though I cannot feel it. The eyes and ears are both where they should be now. LilBit is now over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce! (Info from BabyCenter app)
Baby purchases:
Baby purchases:
I had fun buying a lot of maternity clothes last week. I even got a swimsuit which came in the mail today! Everything is so comfy! They have come a long way with maternity clothes too, so much cute stuff! It's getting real, guys! Haha. We also got some cute things for LilBit too!
<--- These are two sleepers and a onesie. The onesie came with a maternity dress I bought. The two sleepers were on sale and too cute to pass up! The yellow one has a giraffe and says "Daddy loves me" and the beige one has a bear and says "Mommy loves me."
The penguin shirts below are from David's cousin, Alison. She got them for us for our birthdays. A shirt for each of us and then one for LilBit. She took a small t-shirt and turned it into a little onsie/sleeper that can be easily turned back into the regular shirt as LilBit grows. So cute! We love them!
Friday, 19 April 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 10
WEEK 10 (well 10 1/2 now...)
I officially have a little baby bump!
Feeling: I'm still feeling tired quite a bit. Still no morning sickness (yay!) but feeling queasy a few times each day, mainly around meal times.
Cravings: potatoes (including chips and fries), fruit, and pickles. Lays Dill Pickle chips take care of two of those at once, lol!
Food aversions: No new food aversions, but I do like deviled eggs and chocolate ice cream again! Yay!
Weight gain: 5lbs (total and since last update)
LilBit: The baby is the size of a kumquat. Since we couldn't find a kumquat at the store, we found something very similar in size a mini peach! He/she has completed the most critical portion of development and is now in the "fetal period" where the tissues and organs rapidly grow and mature. Tiny nails are forming on the fingers and toes and LilBit is beginning to grow some peach fuzz! (Yay, tie in to the peach!) LilBit is swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm and all vital organs are in place and starting to function though development will continue. Also, LilBit can bend his/her limbs now! He/she is about 1 1/4" from crown to rump. (Info from BabyCenter app)
Baby purchases: none
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 8
Starting this week, I'll do a quick update every two weeks on what's going on with me and LilBit (our nickname for the little peanut)! So....
Feeling: tired all the time, yet still waking up multiple times during the night. But other than that, feeling great! No morning sickness so far! Oh and I get emotional a lot, especially when overwhelmed with happy thoughts (watching tv shows/movies, walking through baby aisles in the store...)
Cravings: (these have been for the past few weeks) bean burritos, pizza, breakfast food (mainly cereal)
Food aversions: chocolate ice cream/frostys (except for my chocolate mint cookie ice cream, thankfully!), deviled eggs (boo!), garlic
Weight gain: none so far
LilBit: The baby is the size of a kidney bean. His/her fingers and toes are poking out and he/she is constantly moving and shifting though he/she isn't big enough for me to feel anything yet! At the ultrasound last Saturday, LilBit's heartbeat was nice and strong!
Baby purchases: We found the perfect little lovey at Mast General while we were downtown on Tuesday, going out to eat for my birthday! A little Winnie the Pooh one! We want to decorate the nursery (once we have a house) in Winnie the Pooh since David and I both liked it growing up and because it is perfect for a boy or girl. I love the light pastels, especially green! We also plan on painting a Winnie the Pooh mural on one wall of the nursery too, especially since I've drawn the WtP characters many times over the years. We're pretty excited, not gonna lie :)
Feeling: tired all the time, yet still waking up multiple times during the night. But other than that, feeling great! No morning sickness so far! Oh and I get emotional a lot, especially when overwhelmed with happy thoughts (watching tv shows/movies, walking through baby aisles in the store...)
Cravings: (these have been for the past few weeks) bean burritos, pizza, breakfast food (mainly cereal)
Food aversions: chocolate ice cream/frostys (except for my chocolate mint cookie ice cream, thankfully!), deviled eggs (boo!), garlic
Weight gain: none so far
LilBit: The baby is the size of a kidney bean. His/her fingers and toes are poking out and he/she is constantly moving and shifting though he/she isn't big enough for me to feel anything yet! At the ultrasound last Saturday, LilBit's heartbeat was nice and strong!
Baby purchases: We found the perfect little lovey at Mast General while we were downtown on Tuesday, going out to eat for my birthday! A little Winnie the Pooh one! We want to decorate the nursery (once we have a house) in Winnie the Pooh since David and I both liked it growing up and because it is perfect for a boy or girl. I love the light pastels, especially green! We also plan on painting a Winnie the Pooh mural on one wall of the nursery too, especially since I've drawn the WtP characters many times over the years. We're pretty excited, not gonna lie :)
The Big News and Telling Our Parents!
David and I had decided that God knew best when we would be ready for a baby so we left it up to Him. So when it came close to what should have been "that time of the month" we knew I should take a pregnancy test. We already had one so I decided to take one on a Friday morning. It ended up being negative. But I wasn't convinced. So I went to the store and bought a three pack but waited to take another test until that following Monday (this was March 4th). Well it was one of those tests with the lines and the second line was juuuust barely there. I came out of the bathroom, turned to David, and with a puzzled look said "I think we're pregnant?" (Yes, I said it like a question haha). I took a picture and google searched to see if that vague pink line meant anything or if it was just a fluke. I was trying not to get my hopes up but I had never seen any semblance of a second line before so it was quite hard to not be excited. (Yeah, you can barely see the line, can you?)

So the next morning I decided to take another test. This time, the second line was still there but even lighter. I was getting impatient. But I called a made an appointment at Piedmont Women's Center since I don't have health insurance yet. It is a great Christian organization that provides free limited healthcare to women who may be or are pregnant. My appointment was scheduled for that coming Saturday. However, I still couldn't wait that long and I still had one pregnancy test left in the pack so I decided to take it Thursday morning (March 7th). This time we had two very clear lines! We finally let ourselves accept the great news!
Can you tell we were excited? Now the hard part was not telling anyone. So we had to keep our lips sealed until after the appointment on Saturday when we would be 100% sure. Well the appointment came and (big surprise) I was definitely pregnant! After the appointment we racked our brains trying to figure out when we would be able to see our parents to tell them. We didn't want to tell them over the phone but we also wanted them all the find out at the same time. I had talked to my mom earlier in the week and it seemed we wouldn't be able to see our families until the end of March/beginning of April. We couldn't wait that long. So we decided that we would make two trips-- to NC and GA after church on Sunday. Right after the appointment, we made a trip to Build-A-Bear in the mall. We made two bears, one for each set of grandparents-to-be and picked out two plain t-shirts. David had to go to work that afternoon so I went out and bought thread to embroider "Grandparents" on each of the shirts. Fortunately I remembered how to do it with just a quick refresher from online (I mean, I did learn to sew my name in cursive in the second grade so I knew it had to be easy). I talked with my mom Saturday night and without giving anything away, found out that they would be home after their fellowship luncheon at church. I also texted Kenzie telling her we were just going to come to surprise the family and spend the afternoon there since we had free time so she could make sure everyone was home. So after church and lunch with friends on Sunday (March 10th), we headed to Gastonia to tell my family. They were surprised when we showed up, of course, but they still didn't suspect a thing. We kept the bear outside the door near the porch. After sitting a talking for a short bit, I said that we had a present for them (them being my parents) and had them sit next to each other on the couch. I warned them it was kind of a weird present and then handed them the box. My mom asked if it was alive. Yes, mom, we're going to buy you an animal without asking you first because we know how much you love the dog. Haha. Well when my mom took it out of the box, her first response was "Aww, how cute". She's already a grandparent thanks to my adorable little nephew, GavGav, so it didn't hit her at first. She got it after a minute though! They (Mom, Dad, Kenzie, Bryson) were all really excited and happy for us. In fact, we have a video but I don't have it on my computer yet sooo I will upload that later. We had to leave shortly after so we could make it to GA. Ryan had already gone to work though so we went to see him and give him the news in person before heading out. He was really excited for us too!
Then we set out for a 3+ hour drive to Lawrenceville, GA. David had already told his dad we were coming since we were planning on staying the night. Mike always likes to surprise Kathryn (which is what we said we were doing) so he was more than happy to be in on it. Well when we got there that night Kathryn came out thinking we were the pizza man and was quite surprised to see us. She was so excited just to see us, I couldn't wait to tell her the news! But we went inside and talked and sat down for a few minutes and told her we were staying the night. Fortunately, she had the next day off of school (which we didn't know until my mom mentioned it while we were driving there. They talk to each other more than we talk to them. It's awesome). Well David wanted to give the gift this time so he went out to the car to get it. He had them close their eyes and hold out their hands. When they opened their eyes, Kathryn asked if it was alive too! I don't understand these moms! Haha. But she opened it after we assured her it wasn't alive and as soon as she read the shirt, she brought it to her chest and said "Really?" Mike was still confused because he hadn't gotten to read it yet haha. She showed him and then the hugging and congratulations ensued. It was a wonderful day! We decided to keep it pretty secret until I was further along though. So throughout the next few weeks, we only told a few people (close friends, family members, and church family) so that they could be praying for us and the baby. I wanted it to stay a secret until after our first ultrasound which wasn't until March 30th. So that's the beginning of our journey!
So the next morning I decided to take another test. This time, the second line was still there but even lighter. I was getting impatient. But I called a made an appointment at Piedmont Women's Center since I don't have health insurance yet. It is a great Christian organization that provides free limited healthcare to women who may be or are pregnant. My appointment was scheduled for that coming Saturday. However, I still couldn't wait that long and I still had one pregnancy test left in the pack so I decided to take it Thursday morning (March 7th). This time we had two very clear lines! We finally let ourselves accept the great news!
Can you tell we were excited? Now the hard part was not telling anyone. So we had to keep our lips sealed until after the appointment on Saturday when we would be 100% sure. Well the appointment came and (big surprise) I was definitely pregnant! After the appointment we racked our brains trying to figure out when we would be able to see our parents to tell them. We didn't want to tell them over the phone but we also wanted them all the find out at the same time. I had talked to my mom earlier in the week and it seemed we wouldn't be able to see our families until the end of March/beginning of April. We couldn't wait that long. So we decided that we would make two trips-- to NC and GA after church on Sunday. Right after the appointment, we made a trip to Build-A-Bear in the mall. We made two bears, one for each set of grandparents-to-be and picked out two plain t-shirts. David had to go to work that afternoon so I went out and bought thread to embroider "Grandparents" on each of the shirts. Fortunately I remembered how to do it with just a quick refresher from online (I mean, I did learn to sew my name in cursive in the second grade so I knew it had to be easy). I talked with my mom Saturday night and without giving anything away, found out that they would be home after their fellowship luncheon at church. I also texted Kenzie telling her we were just going to come to surprise the family and spend the afternoon there since we had free time so she could make sure everyone was home. So after church and lunch with friends on Sunday (March 10th), we headed to Gastonia to tell my family. They were surprised when we showed up, of course, but they still didn't suspect a thing. We kept the bear outside the door near the porch. After sitting a talking for a short bit, I said that we had a present for them (them being my parents) and had them sit next to each other on the couch. I warned them it was kind of a weird present and then handed them the box. My mom asked if it was alive. Yes, mom, we're going to buy you an animal without asking you first because we know how much you love the dog. Haha. Well when my mom took it out of the box, her first response was "Aww, how cute". She's already a grandparent thanks to my adorable little nephew, GavGav, so it didn't hit her at first. She got it after a minute though! They (Mom, Dad, Kenzie, Bryson) were all really excited and happy for us. In fact, we have a video but I don't have it on my computer yet sooo I will upload that later. We had to leave shortly after so we could make it to GA. Ryan had already gone to work though so we went to see him and give him the news in person before heading out. He was really excited for us too!
Then we set out for a 3+ hour drive to Lawrenceville, GA. David had already told his dad we were coming since we were planning on staying the night. Mike always likes to surprise Kathryn (which is what we said we were doing) so he was more than happy to be in on it. Well when we got there that night Kathryn came out thinking we were the pizza man and was quite surprised to see us. She was so excited just to see us, I couldn't wait to tell her the news! But we went inside and talked and sat down for a few minutes and told her we were staying the night. Fortunately, she had the next day off of school (which we didn't know until my mom mentioned it while we were driving there. They talk to each other more than we talk to them. It's awesome). Well David wanted to give the gift this time so he went out to the car to get it. He had them close their eyes and hold out their hands. When they opened their eyes, Kathryn asked if it was alive too! I don't understand these moms! Haha. But she opened it after we assured her it wasn't alive and as soon as she read the shirt, she brought it to her chest and said "Really?" Mike was still confused because he hadn't gotten to read it yet haha. She showed him and then the hugging and congratulations ensued. It was a wonderful day! We decided to keep it pretty secret until I was further along though. So throughout the next few weeks, we only told a few people (close friends, family members, and church family) so that they could be praying for us and the baby. I wanted it to stay a secret until after our first ultrasound which wasn't until March 30th. So that's the beginning of our journey!
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