"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5a

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Mommy/LilBit Update: Week 31

Only 8 weeks to go!! I can't believe it's finally single digits! At my ultrasound a week and a half ago, LilBit was doing very well. His measurements are still in the normal range, thankfully, but he already weighs 3 pounds! I'm still hoping he'll be under 8 pounds but we shall see. The higher dosage of the pills didn't work so I've been on insulin for 3 weeks now and it's helping a lot. It's so nice to not have to be anxious or worried about my blood sugar when I know I'm eating right. They raised my insulin for dinner time once and then one I take before bed twice. Hopefully it will be fine now, right now the numbers are just barely over what they want them to be (100 instead of 95 or below). Thankfully the insulin needles don't hurt-- when I can find a spot that is. I have to stick myself in the thigh or my lower stomach but it's hard to find a place that I can actually pinch and then sometimes I have to prick myself a few times before I find a place that doesn't hurt. Other than that, no problems. Pregnancy has gotten me over my two fears: throwing up and needles. I still have to look the other way when they take blood though haha. 

We also just moved to a new apartment. It's not very fun to move when you're pregnant but thankfully we have some wonderful friends and family that helped us out so that I didn't have to do much at all. Now we just have some more unpacking to do but it will keep me busy. 

Feeling: Overall, feeling great. Been tired again more lately and obviously some back pain at the end of the day but nothing unbearable.

Cravings: Now I crave things I can't have like chocolate and milkshakes but fortunately they aren't strong cravings

Food aversions: None. 

Weight gain: I've just finally gotten to the 20lb mark. Even though LilBit keeps growing and so does my belly, I'm not gaining much weight at all thanks to my diet and insulin. 

LilBit: Our little man is now about the size of a coconut! He is around 16 inches long and weighs over 3lbs! He can now turn his head from side to side and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up as the fat starts to accumulate under his skin. I just hope he doesn't get too chubby hehe. He wiggles and moves like crazy, making my belly move in weird ways a lot. I don't mind it though :). Fortunately, he's not keeping me up at night with his kicking yet!

Baby Purchases: Well we aren't purchasing things very much since we have baby showers coming up now. I had my first shower yesterday and got some lovely things. I'm excited for the other showers to come and to actually put all of the gifts to use soon!

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