OFFICIAL PICTURE COMING SOON but for now, here's some recent pictures of me over the past few weeks :)
Our Reveal Party: June 19th

So it's been 6 weeks since my last update, which is crazy, I know! And a lot has happened since then. LilBit is still growing and just as much of a wiggle worm as ever! Over the past month, I've been to the doctor every week. My blood pressure and blood sugar were both high a few times so we had to do testing for both. David and I bought a cool device that checks my blood pressure and keeps track of all the results for me on my iPhone which was great. Turns out my bp is always normal but it gets high when I go to the doctor occasionally. I think I just get anxious. Either way, because we have been keeping track of it ourselves and I showed the dr my results, they aren't concerned about that anymore. Hooray!
Now, my blood sugar. So I failed the fasting blood test twice so I never had to drink the nasty orange stuff everyone tells me about. However, they automatically diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. Because I had abnormalities with my insulin before pregnancy (in my case, hypoglycemia), I was more prone to end up with diabetes during pregnancy. They had me simply try to control it by diet for a week while checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and even though I stuck to the diet really well, it didn't keep my blood sugar levels down. So then they had me take pills while still following the diet for another week. This time, my blood sugar levels after breakfast and lunch were good for the most part but they were still high after dinner and when I woke up in the morning. So now they've double my dosage for this week. We are praying that this will control my blood sugar levels before I go back to the doctor on Tuesday so that I will not have to give myself insulin shots.
Because I have gestational diabetes, they want to make sure I do not go the full 40 weeks of pregnancy to prevent LilBit from being too big as well as to avoid possible other complications. So that means that if I haven't gone into labor by November 6th, they will induce. I'm hoping he will come a day or two before so we don't have to worry about that but at least I know I will meet my little man no later than the 6th!
Feeling: Overall, I've been feeling quite well. My back hurts every once in awhile but not too bad. My feet hurt, especially after work, but no swelling.
Cravings: Fortunately I still crave peanut butter because the doctors want me to eat lots of it. No really strong cravings though, which I'm thankful for-- especially if they were to be for something I couldn't have.
Food aversions: None. But I have to stay away from a lot of foods now, especially pastas and rice.
Weight gain: I haven't gained any weight these past few weeks thanks to my diet but overall I've gained a total of 18 lbs. And it is ALL in my stomach.
LilBit: LilBit is now the size of a scallion! He is around 14 inches long and around 1 2/3 pounds. The nerves in his ears are better developed and more sensitive now so he can most likely hear both mine and David's voices as we talk to each other. He's continuing to put on baby fat too. Also, he has started to kick strongly now. I can look down and actually see my stomach move when he kicks! I love it! He kicks a lot too, such a wiggle worm. He's going to be a hyper little boy haha. David can feel him kick really well now too, and he kicks more when David's hand is on my stomach. David can even hear LilBit moving around too when he puts his ear up to my stomach! I got to hear him move around through a stethoscope too!
Baby purchases:
Baby purchases:
We bought a few little items of clothing here and there but we're holding back and buying a lot before our showers and before we move. We've got to let other people buy him stuff too haha plus the less we have to pack, move, and unpack the better.
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